A new space for collaboration and communication


We are excited to bring you Think!, a new initiative which brings together our forward thinking, academic engagement and outreach involvement in one place.

As a practice we are constantly thinking of what is next and how we can improve both our designs and the lives of those we interact with. This brings knowledge and progress, not only to our own staff but also to our community and society. We also believe in connecting with those who are interested or involved in what we do, and those who want to know more and need encouragement, to inspire them and provide support.

Think! provides a space for collaboration and communication, principles which are at the core of our design process. We believe that sharing knowledge is key so we hope to inspire you to keep thinking and questioning alongside us.

Our current academia and outreach mentoring projects include leading the LSA Think Tank, Symbiotic Cities, and mentoring for Blueprint for All (formerly the Stephen Lawrence Trust). We are also delighted this year to be supporting the People’s Pavilion, a co-design project for young people by Beyond the Box.

Do keep an eye on this blog page for updates or alternatively sign up for our newsletter or follow us on LinkedIn or Instagram.