The Gaumont
Hotels and Hospitality, Leisure, Restaurant, Bar
This sensitive redevelopment at 196-222 King’s Road, ‘The Gaumont’, involved a thorough consultation process due to its location, iconic 1930s facade and proximity to a number of conversation areas. As a result, the mixed-use, retail-led scheme will bring a wide range of new benefits and will safeguard the long-term vitality of this part of the King’s Road.
Client: Cadogan Estates
Location: London
Area: 20,200 sqm
Value: £70m
Status: Under construction
Key design objectives were to re-provide a new cinema, community public house on the King’s Road and retail, offices and residences in a complementary distribution of uses. An anchor retail store will sit in the Art Deco building alongside new uses and local shops which will activate Chelsea Manor Street. A rooftop bar will offer views along King’s Road as well as panoramic views toward Battersea and central London.
The design responds to the priorities expressed by the local communities who were widely consulted through a Community Liaison Group and a series of public exhibitions.