Notting Hill Gate Action Plan

Strategic vision, action plans and delivery strategy


Council officers and community members have co-created a vision and a list of viable interventions to improve the high street.


Client: RBKC
Location: London


Notting Hill Gate will be a green, climate resilient, healthy, safe and inclusive high street with a unique identity. A place that inspires and delights. It will meet the needs of residents and attract visitors and businesses. This project was an opportunity for us to work with the local community and development stakeholders to shape its present and future.

Key locations include:

  1. Hill Gate Village Junction

  2. Pembridge Road Gateway

  3. Notting Hill Gate tube station


Hill Gate Village Junction

Pavements are widened to improve the pedestrian experience along the streets. This allows for the addition and reorganisation of street furniture like planters, seating, parklets, bike racks, way finding signage etc. Existing pedestrian crossings would be improved upon, and new crossings are added for better pedestrian accessibility. Cycle friendly features like cycle refuges are incorporated within the junction design.





Pembridge Road Gateway

Pembridge Road is an important link between Portobello Road and Notting Hill Street. It is designed as a pedestrian priority street with vehicular access retained. New trees and street furniture are proposed along the widened pavement, where possible. Improved way finding at key nodes guides users towards to Portobello Market. Shopfront improvements unify the street character.





Notting Hill Gate tube station

The median along Notting Hill Gate street is removed to improve the flow of traffic. The pavement outside the tube stations are extended to accommodate peak footfall along existing retails units and tube station entrances. Street furniture such as seating, planters, bike stands and smart lighting columns are rationalised along the pavements for improved functional efficiency.


