Planning win for contemporary residential and community development


The proposed redevelopment at Alperton Lane in Ealing, to deliver 132 new residential units together with mixed commercial provision, a covered community centre and landscaped public space, was awarded approval at the planning committee.

Working with Maddox Planning, the new build development, located on a former Currys PC World site, features 132 new homes (including 13 affordable units). It takes the form of a perimeter block with a landscaped central courtyard, landscaped public space and newly activated streetscape, whilst also boasting excellent transport links.


The north and south elements of the block are lower at one or two storeys, with the east and west elements increasing in height, stepping up from three to seven storeys to the south. The creation of this stepped terrace form maximises sunlight and daylight to both the new development and the surrounding neighbours.

‘Huge congratulations to the whole design team for a tremendous collaborative effort resulting in a successful planning consent for the Currys PC World site on Ealing Road. Conceived around a communal courtyard space, the 132 unit residential development is intended as a beacon for regeneration in the local area.’

Alec Howard, Partner, PDP London


A simple palette of materials has been identified which is sympathetic to the materiality of the surrounding context. Brickwork was chosen for its human scale and residential feel. Varying shades of brick and complementary mortar colours have been selected for each of the elevation bays to further articulate the stepped in massing.

A central courtyard on the ground floor provides amenity space for residents, which includes a children’s play space, whilst also providing visual enjoyment for the residents. The garden lies at the heart of the development and is visible from Alperton Lane, adding to the character of the street beyond. The courtyard opens up to its southern edge, allowing direct sunlight to flood the space and prevent overshadowing, whilst a covered community use building encloses the courtyard at street level.


Balconies provide an essential private amenity space for most of the residential units and, in addition, residents have access to a series of rooftop terraces and the ground floor courtyard space.

At ground floor level the massing along Ealing Road steps back from the street to provide substantially increased space for a public amenity park, truly transforming the corner of this busy road, whilst activating the landscaped ‘buffer’ zone to the street. The building is extended by a single storey on the corner of Ealing Road and Alperton Lane, which creates an urban marker in townscape terms, drawing the eye to the location and emphasising the creation of the newly crafted amenity space.


The introduction of a continuous frontage to both Ealing Road and Alperton Lane greatly improves the streetscape, with the frontages animated with different uses, double height spaces, contrasting materials and ground floor activity. Along the Ealing Road frontage, flexible, mixed commercial space is provided, which can become retail, restaurant, community use or other use as the needs and commercial requirements of the area emerge.

Sian ReardenPDP LondonNews