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Navin Veeroo


BArch(Hons) MArch ARB

Navin is an experienced architect with a focus on the design quality of the end product. His skills are in realising the original vision and design intent through careful technical application, coordination and management. From a young age, Navin has always been fascinated by how things work and believes in continual learning and improvement. With a strong interest in sustainable architecture, Navin has completed an OCN Level 5 Professional Diploma in Domestic Retrofit Coordination and Risk Management.

Currently working on the complex Cambridge House Hotel project, Navin is managing the coordination of the hotel operations and services which will be important to the success of the development. He has built on his previous technical and delivery experience on large projects such as Lillie Square, where he worked extensively on the interior packages which included working with sub contractors on the internal drylining, joinery to common areas, door packages, internal finishes to common areas including lifts, stairs and entrance doors. Navin has also managed sub-contractors and interface details for Chelsea Barracks Townhouses and interior design liaison for Regent’s Crescent.


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